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Life insurance - protection for you and them.

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Life insurance products

For some people, the topic of life insurance can feel a little … intimidating. But when you realize it’s simply a way to protect the people you care about, the topic becomes much more approachable.

At OneAmerica Financial®, we offer a range of life insurance options — all backed by our decades of experience:

  • Term life insurance

    Term offers straightforward protection. Simply choose a coverage amount and duration that fits your needs. Your premiums help ensure your loved ones will receive a guaranteed payment if you pass away during the chosen term. Term policies also offer options to switch to permanent coverage as your needs change.

  • Whole life insurance

    Whole life helps you confidently plan for future needs by providing guaranteed lifelong protection and cash value growth. Use your policy to help leave a legacy or a variety of other uses depending on your situation and need. Additionally, you can earn dividends* that enhance your policy’s performance or lower your premiums.

  • Variable Universal Life (VUL)

    Designed with flexibility and growth potential in mind, variable universal life pairs permanent protection with the ability to invest your policy’s cash value across a wide range of options. The ability to adjust coverage levels, premiums and investment strategies makes VUL a versatile solution for meeting a variety of financial planning and protection needs.

To learn more about all your life insurance options, talk to your financial professional today. Need a financial professional? Let us help you find one.

OneAmerica Financial is the marketing name for the companies of OneAmerica Financial. Dividends are not guaranteed, past performance is not indicative of future results, and actual results may vary. Some products listed do not pay dividends. Withdrawals and loans from a life insurance policy reduce the death benefit and cash value, may increase the chance the policy will lapse, and may result in a tax liability if the policy terminates before the death of the insured.